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jogo legal


caraca que dificio 😰,mais achei muito fofo apesarde ser curto

(1 edit) (+4)

it'd be great to be able to play it, please do English version!

I've been playing it with google translate on, it's fun! I still don't understand some part of it (which Is not really great for the gameplay bc I lost so many times)

I'd give it a {4.75/5 } for now!

 It's really cute and fun to play and learn the mechanic of this game :D

(2 edits) (+2)

Hello! We already have a english version in progress, hopefully we'll be able to upload it soon

Thank you for playing our game, we are very happy to know you liked it that much :D!!

If you have any questions about the gameplay feel free to ask us!!

Update: We just updated the game with the english version! Hope you enjoy your gameplay and please contact us if there is anything wrong with the build 


looks cool, make a english version

(1 edit)

Thank you for you message! We already have a english version in progress, hopefully we'll be able to upload it soon

Update: We just updated the game with the english version! Hope you enjoy your gameplay and please contact us if there is anything wrong with the build 


Fofo demais! Achei muito massa o tema de joguinho de cartas sobre amor, muito criativo


Adorei! Esse jogo tá uma fofura e super divertido! Joguei 3x seguidas kkk


Eu adorei, queria um print and play!


Será que vem ai? 👀


Também queroooooo


diferente do amigo abaixo nao tenho namorada pra testar o jogo junto mas isso nao impede de me divertir mesmo assim!


muito bonito e legal vou testar com o meu namorado